Source code for stringphone.topic

lasses and methods relating to the topic and its participants.
from .crypto import (
from .exceptions import (
    IntroductionError, IntroductionReplyError, MissingTopicKeyError,


[docs]class Message(bytes): def __init__(self, message): # This is a subclass of bytes, so we want to make sure it # acts like one in every circumstance. self = message # noqa @property def type(self): """ The type of the message. :rtype: int """ for message_type in (MESSAGE_SIMPLE, MESSAGE_INTRO, MESSAGE_REPLY): if self.startswith(message_type): return message_type return MESSAGE_UNKNOWN @property def signed_payload(self): """ The signed payload (signature + ciphertext). :rtype: bytes :raises ValueError: if the given message type does not have this property. """ if self.type != MESSAGE_SIMPLE: raise ValueError("Message is of the wrong type for this property.") return self[1:] @property def ciphertext(self): """ The ciphertext. :rtype: bytes :raises ValueError: if the given message type does not have this property. """ if self.type != MESSAGE_SIMPLE: raise ValueError("Message is of the wrong type for this property.") return self[65 + PARTICIPANT_ID_LENGTH:] @property def encrypted_topic_key(self): """ The encrypted topic key. :rtype: bytes :raises ValueError: if the given message type does not have this property. """ if self.type == MESSAGE_REPLY: return self[17:89] else: raise ValueError("Message is of the wrong type for this property.") @property def recipient_id(self): """ The ID of the recipient. :rtype: bytes :raises ValueError: if the given message type does not have this property. """ if self.type == MESSAGE_REPLY: return self[1:17] else: raise ValueError("Message is of the wrong type for this property.") @property def sender_id(self): """ The ID of the sender. :rtype: bytes :raises ValueError: if the given message type does not have this property. """ if self.type == MESSAGE_SIMPLE: return self[65:81] elif self.type == MESSAGE_INTRO: return _get_id_from_key(self.sender_key) elif self.type == MESSAGE_REPLY: return _get_id_from_key(self.sender_key) else: raise ValueError("Message is of the wrong type for this property.") @property def sender_key(self): """ The public key of the sender. :rtype: bytes :raises ValueError: if the given message type does not have this property. """ if self.type == MESSAGE_SIMPLE: return self[65:81] elif self.type == MESSAGE_INTRO: return self[1:33] elif self.type == MESSAGE_REPLY: return self[121:153] else: raise ValueError("Message is of the wrong type for this property.") @property def encryption_key(self): """ The encryption key that encrypts the topic key. :rtype: bytes :raises ValueError: if the given message type does not have this property. """ if self.type == MESSAGE_INTRO: return self[33:] elif self.type == MESSAGE_REPLY: return self[89:121] else: raise ValueError("Message is of the wrong type for this property.") @property def signed_encryption_key(self): """ The signed encryption key. :rtype: bytes :raises ValueError: if the given message type does not have this property. """ if self.type == MESSAGE_INTRO: return self[33:] else: raise ValueError("Message is of the wrong type for this property.")
[docs]class Topic(object): """ A topic is the main avenue of communication. It can be any one-to-many channel, such as an MQTT topic, an IRC chat room, or even a TCP socket (one-to-one is a subset of one-to-many communication). """ def __init__( self, signing_key_seed=None, topic_key=None, participants=None ): """ Various amounts of state can be passed to initialize according to each use case. :param bytes signing_key_seed: The optional seed for our signing key. If you require identity persistence of this participant across restarts, save and provide this. A participant's public and private key and ID are generated from this seed, so passing the same seed will result in the same keys and ID. **Keep this completely secret from everyone**. If this is not provided, one will be generated. You will not be able to retrieve the generated seed, so only do this if you don't care about persistent identities. :param bytes topic_key: The optional symmetric encryption key this topic uses. If this is known when instantiating, we can start sending and receiving messages immediately, and discovery will only be useful to get other participants to trust us. If this is not provided, encryption and decryption will fail. :param dict participants: The optional dictionary of trusted participants. This should have the form {b"participant_id": b"participant_key"}. Participant keys in this dictionary will be trusted when verifying messages signed with them. """ if signing_key_seed is None: signing_key_seed = generate_signing_key_seed() if participants is None: participants = {} self._participants = participants self._asymmetric_crypto = AsymmetricCrypto() self.topic_key = topic_key self._signer = Signer(signing_key_seed) self._id = _get_id_from_key(self._signer.public_key) ######### # Various properties # @property def id(self): """ Our ID. :rtype: bytes """ return self._id @property def public_key(self): """ Our public key. :rtype: bytes """ return self._signer.public_key @property def topic_key(self): """ Return the topic encryption key. :rtype: bytes """ return self._topic_key @topic_key.setter def topic_key(self, value): """ Initialize the symmetric crypto with either the topic key, if known, or None if unknown. If we don't know the topic key yet, we must perform an introduction and hope one of the other participants sends it to us. :param bytes value: The symmetric key of the topic, or None. """ self._topic_key = value if value is None: self._symmetric_crypto = None else: self._symmetric_crypto = SymmetricCrypto(value) ######### # Participant methods #
[docs] def add_participant(self, public_key): """ Add a participant to the list of trusted participants. :param bytes public_key: The public key of the participant to add. """ self._participants[_get_id_from_key(public_key)] = public_key
[docs] def remove_participant(self, participant_id): """ Remove a participant from the list of trusted participants. :param bytes participant_id: The ID of the participant to remove. """ del self._participants[participant_id]
[docs] def participants(self): """ Return all trusted participants. :rtype: dict """ return self._participants ######### # Discovery methods #
[docs] def construct_intro(self): """ Generate an introduction of ourselves to send to other devices. :returns: The message to broadcast. :rtype: bytes """ signed_encryption_key = self._signer.sign( self._asymmetric_crypto.public_key ) return Message(MESSAGE_INTRO + self.public_key + signed_encryption_key)
[docs] def construct_reply(self, message): """ Generate a reply to an introduction. This gives the party that was just introduced **FULL ACCESS** to the topic key and all decrypted messages. :param bytes message: The raw introduction message from the channel. :returns: The reply message to broadcast. :rtype: bytes :raises BadSignatureError: if the signature of the encryption key is invalid. """ if not self.topic_key: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot construct introduction reply, topic key is unknown." ) # The public key of the participant requesting the topic key. message = Message(message) verifier = Verifier(message.sender_key) encryption_key = verifier.verify(message.signed_encryption_key) encrypted_topic_key = self._asymmetric_crypto.encrypt( self.topic_key, encryption_key ) return Message( MESSAGE_REPLY + message.sender_id + encrypted_topic_key + self._asymmetric_crypto.public_key + self.public_key )
[docs] def parse_reply(self, message): """ Decode the reply to an introduction. If the reply contains a valid encrypted topic key that is addressed to us, add it to the topic. If we already know the topic key, ignore this message. :param bytes message: The raw reply message from the channel. :returns: Whether the retrieval of the topic key was successful. :rtype: bool """ message = Message(message) if self.topic_key or message.recipient_id != # We already know the topic key or the message wasn't for us, # disregard. return False topic_key = self._asymmetric_crypto.decrypt( message.encrypted_topic_key, message.encryption_key ) self.topic_key = topic_key return True ######### # Encoding/decoding methods #
[docs] def encode(self, message): """ Encode a message from transmission. :param bytes message: The plaintext to encode. :returns: The encrypted ciphertext to broadcast. :rtype: bytes """ if not self.topic_key: raise MissingTopicKeyError( "Cannot encode data without a topic key." ) ciphertext = + self._symmetric_crypto.encrypt(message) signed = self._signer.sign(ciphertext) return MESSAGE_SIMPLE + signed
[docs] def decode(self, message, naive=False, ignore_untrusted=False): """ Decode a message. If `naive` is True, signature verification will not be performed. Use at your own risk. :param bytes message: The plaintext to encode. :param bool naive: If `True`, signature verification **IS NOT PERFORMED**. Use at your own risk. :param bool ignore_untrusted: If `True`, messages from unknown participants will be silently ignored. This does not include introductions or introduction replies, as those are special and will still raise an exception. :returns: The decrypted and (optionally) verified plaintext. :rtype: bytes """ message = Message(message) # Ignore our own messages. if message.sender_id == print("I sent this.") return if message.type == MESSAGE_INTRO and self.topic_key: # This is an introduction. raise IntroductionError("The received message is an introduction.") elif message.type == MESSAGE_REPLY and not self.topic_key: # This is a reply to an introduction. raise IntroductionReplyError( "The received message is an introduction reply." ) elif message.type == MESSAGE_SIMPLE: if not naive: # Verify the signature. if message.sender_id not in self._participants: if ignore_untrusted: # We want to just drop messages from unknown # participants on the floor. return else: raise UntrustedKeyError( "Verification key for participant not found." ) sender_key = self._participants[message.sender_id] verifier = Verifier(sender_key) verifier.verify(message.signed_payload) plaintext = self._symmetric_crypto.decrypt(message.ciphertext) return plaintext